Lol, I can't beleive a stick figure movie like that got front page...very nice, man...hope to see some mor ework from you soon!
Lol, I can't beleive a stick figure movie like that got front page...very nice, man...hope to see some mor ework from you soon!
That was incredibly touching...even though it was kinda weird, it was awesome! I love teddy bears...I can't stand Winnie the Pooh tho...
Not bad
I liked, you did a good job, and very nice...keep up the good work, and just pretend I said everything good you've ever wanted to hear...ehem, this never happend *erases memory*
Awesomely amazing
That was incredible! I almost died of laughter! And not only that, it was just SO well animated...wwaaaayyy better than anything I can do, I give you a two thumbs up! And yeh, not only are my thumbs up, but I'll tell you what, ALL of my fingers are up! YAH! Count 'em, ten fingers!
That was very nice, very very nice -- hard to tell if you used brush tool or line tool or what! (What DO you use?!)
Very Nice
Wow, very nice..I see you used pivot, but still very nice...and yeh, keep it up!
Heh thank's AB. Yayz a 9 =D
I liked it...very nice, and keep up the good work....
Very funny and well animated...keep it up, nice work
thanks buddy
Age 32, Male
Cleveland, Ohio
Joined on 3/11/05